
New Zealand 2011

  26th Aug. - 1st Sept.
  5th - 12th Sept.
  13th - 19th Sept.
  20th - 30th Sept.
  1st - 11th Oct
  12th Oct - 24th Oct
  24th Oct - 4th Nov

Other pics on Acro MCR



Pictures from New Zealand 2011

1st to 11th October

1st Oct: Mount Ruapehu - featured in Lord Of The Rings and North Island's main skiing destination

Waiouru - Maori for "Don't Bother Stopping Here"

These fine gentlemen stopped anyway and later cut up all the traffic as they overtook round blind corners

The Desert Road section of State Highway 1

Another view of Ruapehu - this time through the coach window as the driver was on a mission and the mission was "No photo stops today!"

Another coach window job. This time Mount Ngauruhoe, better known as Mount Doom to those who stayed awake through all of Lord Of The Rings (what talking trees?). A cloudy day obscured the top

Is it genuine Tudor? An "English" pub, Taupo style. Taupo, we are told, is pronounced Toe-paw

Golfers are invited to get their ball onto this pontoon from the lake shore. Lake Taupo, by the way

Lake Taupo. As it was so cloudy, I didn't try the panoramic thing

One of those photo-opportunities so beloved by a certain type of tourist

They do love their big sculptures. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to photograph a giant concrete sheep on a roundabout. My loss

Especially for Steve Davies (aeroplane spotter)

Inside a 1950s caravan inside the Taupo Museum. We used to have those egg-cups

New Zealand gears up for the next Miss World contest

The Garden Of Well-Being at Taupo Museum. This won a gold at Chelsea Flower Show in 2004

Back in the caravan as it was the most exciting exhibit

The other end. It made me want to reach for a Five Star hotel directory

At the YHA hostel in Taupo I was "upgraded". I wonder what the lower-class dormitory was like as there wasn't room to swing a cat in this one

2nd Oct: The last hostel of the trip on a rainy morning. The YHA in Taupo where the TV was on the blink so I missed the England-Scotland game. Some say I was lucky

Matamata aka Hobbiton. We heard a story that Peter Jackson went to see a farmer by helicopter to negotiate using his land and was told to come back later when the rugby had finished

What has it got in its pocketses?

My precioussses, that Bakehoussse in the background doesss a lovely beef sssatay sssandwich

And we all thought he was working for ITV Sport in Auckland

5th Oct: A view from Devonport, looking back at Auckland

From North Head (which is the easternmost point of Devonport) looking south.

Looking east from inside the volcano

Arum Lillies

A disappearing gun - could have fooled us.

Ceremonial 4 pounders

That gun showing how it could disappear

One of the Americas Cup yachts out on a day hire.


Apparently this gun could reach it, and any intervening ships

Times have changed - they let Vic in (and have a drink).

North Head from Mt Victoria, the other volcano in Devonport.

Yep, another panorama...

P&O Pacific Dawn

A rather derelict looking bunker

Or is this where they lock up the Folkies?

Not just Folk, but Bluegrass & Old Time Music too.

Look who's performing on Sunday 30th ! It's Jason & the Arguements - No it isn't!

From above, the only sign of habitation - a blackened smoke vent, sticking out of a turfed over roof.

Yes, it's as well hidden as this sign.

That boat again.

Mt Victoria summit - the mushrooms are air vents. And there's something else...

Another disappearing gun

This explains all

Thanks are due to Paul Bateman for these nice sunny pictures from 23rd Sept.

Even more Devonport pics are on the acromcr site

6th Oct: Gin palace in Viaduct Harbour

7th Oct: ITV's famous 'touchscreen'.

Look! There's a rugby player. (Sadly, the expensive backed-up computer system was connected to a cheap non-backed up video converter which didn't work, so this is the only recording!)

Eden Park. Go to acromcr to see the rest of these pictures

Hospital, Museum, North Head & Rangitoto nicely lined up from the top of Mt. Eden

The city - about 3km away.

Looking north again, this time with Mt. Victoria in view as well

Triangulation point

Says it all

Mt. Eden's crater

Another 'London that way' thing

9th Oct: Match goers 7˝hrs before KO

Auckland Tram

$10 for a 15 minute ride - around a short loop

An even bigger gin palace

Queuing up at 3pm for a 6pm KO - and that's only for the screens at Queens Wharf

A nice little plaque at Emily Place


The old railway station

Is now not what it says

A lovely foyer for the new flat owners

A reminder of Southampton

Nuff said

North Head & Rangitoto in juxtaposition

View from Tamaki Drive

View from a bridge over Tamaki Drive

Parnell Baths waiting for summer

Judges Bay: A private beach just for Vic & the ducks

So many tracks yet so few trains

Oh, OK, there's one.

10th Oct: Te Piha, or Lion Rock

It was windy

You can see (just) the sand blowing over the beach

Vic paddling

Lion Rock again

I was meaning to turn the camera off, but... nice clouds

We had to climb it

But only so far...

Nice little town, but nothing's open until the summer.

Guess which one was supposed to be at work today?

And one extra who wasn't

Mike & Simon gingerly edging down

Ropes are for wimps (says Pete)

Is he doing a Reggie Perrin?

No, too cold.

Contrasting sand

The black seems to separate to the top

Then stick firmly to your feet

After lunch - the Arataki Visitor Centre - view from.

The inevitable panorama - shame about the visibility

The fern trees from above

And the side - can get to about 6m tall

Pretty, but what is it?

11th Oct: The Quadrant has its own special facility for satellite uplinks

Old Government House - right opposite the Quadrant but hidden by trees. This is the first time we've seen it.

This looks promising...

Yes, this will do - Galbraith's Ale House

Six handpumps of lovely beer...

All brewed on-site

Brewery undergoing refurbishment

The cellar - all real, hand-pulled & delicious. Under nitrogen blanket ;-) Don't get the brewer started on the 'CAMRA anoraks who speak out of their arse'. He is a member BTW.

They've had a falling out with Dominion Breweries who sucessfully trademarked 'radler', the German word for shandy, as the name for something that wasn't a radler.

Myers Park, back down towards the CBD.

Myers Park, back down towards the CBD.

HQ of Daily Mash?

A view from Albert Park. Good balancing ;-)

The curry that beat Vic - all chilli & no flavour

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